Dear Diary,
I think blogs were the norm and they still are but I personally think readers connect more with their favorite authors through other social networking sites more frequently like facebook and twitter.
Authors love to blog and it gives them the opportunity and freedom to write, post, host other authors and basically do whatever they want. I might not have all the inside information but I can go by my experiences. Sometimes as a reader when I visit and go to a blog it can be too busy and overwhelming with the information being shown. Also the layout is a little difficult to comprehend right away searching for buttons that you know exist but have no clue where it is. When trying to get new traffic, I know some authors have contests and giveaways which is fun, but most readers go for the giveaways never to return until more giveaways. Die hard fans will always stay and never stray but others wants new and fun ways to interact with their authors. For other readers they will visit the author’s website but subscribe so the information can go to them.
Other Social Networking
For most readers, facebook and twitter for them are exciting in connecting with their favorite authors. I think one of the reasons it’s better for most, is because everything is only a click away and people connect more with those networking sites. They do get a sense of feeling connected as well as feel as though they are apart of the author’s status and updates. With facebook there are so many ways to connect, interact and enjoy what authors do. Most authors welcome friend request as well as a like for their fan page. Twitter is no different with typing your thoughts that you can share immediately with others.
I think combing everything blog, twitter, facebook and others are fun for readers. I also think authors give more updates on social networking sites than anywhere else. I personally enjoy connecting, giveaways and having fun with authors and everyone with other networking sites but what do I know it’s a personal preference for social networking.
What Do You Think?
I've pretty much just started with twitter a few months ago, but I have to say I really enjoy the intereaction.
It's really a matter of where an author likes to spend their chat time. For me, it's twitter. There's always something going on and someone's always writing.
Thanks for the comment Mary.
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